Our last article was about starting small and running experiments to expand an idea. Along that journey, there will be failures. That isn’t bad, in fact, in Googleland they celebrate failure as much as they do success. The reasoning is that the sooner you get to a point you know something isn’t going to work you can move to another idea that needs to be looked at. That new idea might be the next BIG IDEA just waiting to be discovered.
The idea of Fail Fast and Fail Often applies here. The sooner you find out something does or does not work you can either leverage it further or move on to another idea for more results. When you have something that works, people remember those wins more often than they remember the losses. When you experiment with a lot of different ideas, you will have more losers than winners, so just get on with finding the winners and celebrate each step along the way. Each failure will have an important lesson for you if you are aware and open to it. That’s the important part of failure, learning what does and does not work, why, and when.