Much like the previous article that encouraged you to be open to any idea. Now we follow that up with the concept that ideas come from the most unlikely places.
You have to get rid of your preconceived notion that someone has to have expertise in an area to have a good idea. Innovation Centers are built on the premise that many minds are better than one or two, or even three. Humans learn by associating knowns about one thing to what can be inferred or deduced about something else. Often breakthroughs are discovered by the most unlikely people. Someone who saw something nobody else with an educated mind saw. The odd connection turns out to be a revelation.
But it takes everyone to be able to see these possibilities. You have to be open to all possibilities. Innovation Centers are all about possibilities that turn into probabilities that turn into reality. Learning how to make those transformations work well is one of the key skills which make Innovation Centers work well.
So the next time a janitor or cafeteria worker makes a suggestion, sit, listen, and focus on what they have to say. They could be giving you the keys to a breakthrough idea you would never be able to see, ever.